New Locomotives for China`s Cargo Railway - LÜTZE inside
- Product range:
- Control Technology
- Interface
- Indication
To ensure China`s continuous strong economic growth (as in the past decade), and in a country with large distances between industrial areas, effective and energy saving cargo solutions become a greater and greater challenge. The Chinese will be making huge investments in the development of a national railway system in the next few years.
For the economic transportation of cargo, the China North Railway Group has selected Datong HDX2C locomotives as the new generation of locomotives.
BCPC Propulsion Systems (Changzhou) Co. Ltd. is responsible for the development and production of traction converter modules. To ensure that the traction system is working well, 2 sets of auxiliary traction convertor systems are in operation. On the one hand, VVVF (variable voltage and variable frequency) converters are used, and on the other hand, CVCF (constant voltage and constant frequency) converters. This redundant system offers twice the safety.
Luetze Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. will supply different pre-assembled units to fulfil the demands to save space in the control module. These units pre-assembled by LÜTZE include all plug connectors and terminals and therefore demonstrate great flexibility and can be cabled without great effort.
Luetze Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. offers optimal solutions to address customers' needs. In the end, reducing the size of the cabinet and preventing wiring errors means reducing costs. We look forward to making our next contribution to the Chinese railway industry.