Battery and voltage regulator solution for Metro Shanghai
- Product range:
- Control Technology
- Interface
- Indication
China’s Mega-Metropolis cities are facing the challenge of fast growing traffic. To relieve the environment from pollution caused by individual motor car traffic the development of urban mass transportation systems is one of the major topics and investments of the Chinese government.
This strategy fits perfect into the new “SkyBLUE” campaign of LÜTZE by taking over environmental responsibilities based on reliable quality products and their production.
The municipal of Shanghai operates one of the largest Metro networks in the world. 11 metro lines handle the amazing amount of 5.5 million passengers every day. This exceeds the total daily amount of train and metro passengers of the whole of Germany.
An underground incident may have devastating consequences. Not only could human lives be jeopardised, but there is also the possibility of environmental disaster. Guaranteeing the safety of passengers and traffic is the challenge for engineers and designers.
In CSR (China South Railway) the engineers chose a special Fire Alarm System to detect and prevent possible emergency situations, such as abnormal temperature changes, smoke detection, control of external alarm device or similar.
A high level safety device demands a reliable and constant voltage supply even under most critical environmental influences. In close joint design co-operation between the customer and Luetze Trading (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. a battery and voltage regulator solution was developed. This solution will help to ensure that every Shanghai citizen can enjoy a fast, convenient and ecologically friendly transportation. We call this “SkyBLUE”.
Who would imagine that underneath these Metro vehicles, Luetze components are working as trusted safe-guards.